Pathway (Category)

The talks and on-snow sessions are organized in Pathways, to guide you through the levels and progressions.

The main pathway is Effective Skier, which contains nine "levels". This is meant for recreational skiers and racers, introducing all elements of ski technique gradually, from beginner to expert.

Start Recreational Pathway

On the racing side, the main pathway is Effective Racer. Racers should have completed the black/expert levels from Effective Skier, as basic technique is only revisited briefly.

Start Racing Pathway


The workouts are used to work on a specific movement or skill and you can do these over and over again, every season, as needed:

The main pathways is Effective Skier, which contains all these levels:

Intro Intro advanced Intro expert
Effective Effective advanced Effective expert
Performance Performance advanced Performance expert

The racing pathway sections:

Ski racing parents handbook Racing basics Racing advanced

Other pathways:

The coach update: Coach update.

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By: Razie | 2015-05-25 .. 2022-01-11 | Tags: category , admin

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