The Canadian skill acquisition model is IACRCv, where the stages of skill acquisition are:

  • I initiation
  • A acquisition
  • C consolidation
  • R refinement
  • Cv creative variation

This roughly maps to the training group ages, but not always.

The Initiation is the initial step, when the skier understands the information about executing the skill or the task, but does not execute it.

The Acquisition is when the skier starts to demonstrate the task or skill, somewhat inconsistently.

Consolidation is the stage where the skier performs the task or skill consistently, but not so well on course or in difficult conditions (steep, ice etc).

Refinement is when the execution becomes consistent in difficult conditions as well (course, race, steep, ice etc), as the skier is refining the skill.

Creative Variation is the final stage of mastery, where the skier starts to blend skills and tasks and create personal variations.

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By: Razie | 2017-03-05 .. 2017-03-06 | Tags: coaching

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