The Kuu Ski Wax Subscribe Pub   Share



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Kuu is a local Ontario business.

Their wax system starts with the plain HC wax in three colors / temperatures. It's probably best if you get their multi-color package, with all three waxes: Kuu Mach Alpine 3‑Temperature Speedwax . This is ok for training and maintaining the skis.

The yellow and red are awesome for hot scraping and cleaning the bases as well as storage wax - you could buy the big 500g package for the yellow - I always keep some handy.

This wax is easy to work with, both on and off (melt and scrape), including the green cold wax, which is my favourite training wax for the cold.

Their entry level fluoro wax is the same system and most likely the same wax, but with fluor, the Kuu MACH Alpine 3‑Temperature Fluorowax. You can use this as your race wax, in which case you can also look at their high-fluorinated rub-ons, the Kuu High Fluoro Speed Block, which comes in two temperatures.

This would be an effective entry-level race wax system. has all these at good prices and you are looking at around 55$ for training and racing plus 70$ for the two rub-on as race starters, for the kicks.

If you want to spend more, look into their Mach II and Mach III waxes.

Choose this system or see more about Choosing Ski Wax.



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By: Razie | 2013-08-28 .. 2016-03-03 | Tags: post , tuning , review

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