Effective Skiing

524 select topics on great skiing.

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Membership benefits

****, your current membership level is:

Some detailed content, especially biomechanics in the public topics is available as soon as you login.

The Journal is also available with an account. Use it to keep track of your progress.

You can upgrade your membership from Memberships.

With a paid membership you get access to over 50 talks and 60 on snow sessions, as well as video review and feedback and personalized guidance, which will significantly speed up your improvement.

How this works

There is the main progression, going from level to level in a certain order and also, the workouts. The main progression will improve all skills, one step at a time, while a workout focuses on a specific movement or skill. Normally, you are meant to work your way through the progression and, based on video review, you may also be recommended to do one or more workouts at the same time, if some movement area requires more work than others.

Start with the Learn link above and start that main pathway. It will guide you from topic to topic through all the levels, starting with GREEN. You should start with the green level, even if you are an advanced skier! We can't build on a shaky foundation! You can read it all like a book and come back to the topics as you get on snow or take your time and do just one level at a time.

As you read topics that are part of the pathway, at the bottom of each, there is a NEXT button wich marks that one as "read" and also collect any drill on snow or dryland in your "todo" lists. Your current "todos" are available any time from the right (either "on snow" or "dryland").

Recommended approach

The Intro level (green) sounds beginer-ish, but the point is to remove unwanted "extra" movements and deeply understand the "good" movements and refine your control of the skis, so you can build on a solid foundation.

Start with the green and focus on one set of levels per season. Re-read the three levels before the season. As you get on snow, you can reset the progress and start again. Begin the season with the "Start the season" option in "On Snow" and do those for the first 1-2 days on snow.

Each day on snow, figure out how much time you want to spend "working" on your skiing. We recommend 1-2 hours (half a day) per session, so before heading out, revisit the next session or two and that will collect the on snow activities. Spend some time studying the topics, by using the "Browse" mode and navigating around related concepts, to build a good mental image of what the on-snow sessions are about.

As you get on snow, do your warmup and click on "Start the day" and do those for the first few runs. Then switch back to "Current work list" and get to work.

Do at least a few runs focused on "work" and then go back to skiing. Ideally, you dedicate the first half day to work and then continue to ski trying to work those skills into your skiing and occasionally re-doing some of the drills or focused turns from the sessions.

If you need to work on one particular area instead, start one of these pathways:


You can contribute topics, talks, drills, sessions, progressions. Contact us if you're interested in becoming a contributor or a mod.

Have your own

You can have your own ski school embedded here and track your own students through your own progressions, favourite drills and progressions.


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By: Razie | 2015-08-06 .. 2020-11-30 | Tags: admin

Viewed 41949 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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